
ESM studies have become a popular method to study psychological processes in real time. However, this methodology comes with significant challenges regarding the preprocessing and statistical analysis of this type of data. To address these challenges, we offer two workshop versions. The first workshop covers comprehensive preprocessing techniques for preprocessing common ESM data (i.e., data collected on multiple independent participants). The second workshop focuses on dyadic ESM data, covering both data preprocessing and analyses.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in hosting one of those workshops.


To attend the workshop, participants should be familiar with the following concepts:

ESM methodology. These workshops assume basic knowledge of ESM studies, as the methodology itself would require multiple dedicated workshops. For those new to ESM methodology, we recommend having a look at the REAL book: “The open handbook of experience sampling methodology: A step-by-step guide to designing, conducting, and analyzing ESM studies”.

R programmation. R provides excellent flexibility for data preprocessing and statistical analysis of ESM data. Required knowledge includes: structuring project folders, working directory management (e.g., getwd() and setwd() functions), R Markdown, R package management, and fundamentals of dplyr and ggplot2. If you are not familiar with those concepts, we highly recommend the following resources: Additionally, you must bring your computer with R and an IDE (e.g., Rstudio) already installed and ready to be used. To install R and Rstudio, we recommend the following resources:

Basic statistics. The workshops utilize linear model frameworks (e.g., regression, linear mixed models) and hypothesis testing. If you are not familiar with those concepts, we recommend the following resources: the chapter on data analysis of the REAL book, and the PsyTeachR resource on correlation and regression (

Dyadic ESM Workshop

Dyadic ESM studies collect data from two interdependent partners (e.g., romantic couples, parent-child dyads). This interdependence has important implications for both data preprocessing and statistical analysis. This workshop offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of dyadic ESM data, from the preprocessing task to the statistical analysis. Through theoretical introduction and practical exercises, participants will learn:

  • The fundamentals and the 5-step approach of ESM data preprocessing
  • Data wrangling, cleaning, and investigating data characteristics/quality using R
  • Creating reports to document the preprocessing steps
  • Introduction to basic concepts of modeling dyadic data, interdependence, multilevel modeling of dyadic data.
  • Introduction to the Actor-Partner Interdependence model

The preprocessing part is given be Jordan Revol and the statistical analysis part is given by Ginette Lafit and Laura Sels.

Download Workshop Materials

Citation: Lafit, G., Revol, J., & Sels, L. (2024). Dyadic ESM Workshop: From Preprocessing to Statistical Models

ESM Workshop

Coming soon


All workshop materials, including slides, exercises, and solutions, are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International, allowing you to share and adapt the material with appropriate attribution and linking to the license.