About the project

This project was initiated to address the need for a comprehensive framework and tools for preprocessing data in ESM studies. As part of this effort, we have developed a set of tools: a step-by-step framework, the esmtools R package, preprocessing report and data quality report templates, and this website. They are introduced in Revol et al. (in preparation).

This project received the 2024 Commendations Award from Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) for its contribution to improving psychological research.

This website is open to contributions and is licenced under the General Public License version 3 (GNUv3). Please remember to cite us if you find our website, framework, templates and package helpful in your study:

How to contribute

If you find this website relevant and you want to contribute enhancing the its quality, expanding its coverage, and creating valuable resources for the ESM community, here are three ways:

  1. Reporting issues: you can contribute by reporting any encountered issues, such as bugs or problems with the website’s functionality, on the GitLab repository page. Alternatively, you can send an email to: jordan.revol@kuleuven.be.

  2. Proposing modifications: you can suggest modifications or improvements to existing topics or content through the merge request procedure, issue report or email.

  3. Proposing new topics: you also have the opportunity to contribute by proposing new topics. Following the provided guidelines, you can submit suggestions for new content, expanding the website’s knowledge base and addressing areas that may be missing or underrepresented. Please, first contact the main developper before making a suggestion.

Contributions on the R package esmtools are also welcome.

The team