Variable Description Standard Item_wording Item_origin Dim Rating_source Coding Comment R_type missing stats Values Freq Date_stats Hist Boxplot
dyad Dyad identification number Number: 1-30 pre-study A grouping variable numeric 0 (0%) n_uni = 30.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 8.00
median = 15.50
q75 = 23.00
max = 30.00
mean = 15.50
sd = 8.66
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role Role of a participant within a dyad number: 1, 2 What is your gender participant dummy variable A grouping variable integer 0 (0%) 1
2100 (50%)
2100 (50%)
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obsno ESM questionnaire (beep) number of the observatio number: 0 - 50 app starting from 1 integer 0 (0%) n_uni = 70.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 18.00
median = 35.50
q75 = 53.00
max = 70.00
mean = 35.50
sd = 20.21
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id Participant identification number Number: 1-60 pre-study starting from 1 numeric 0 (0%) n_uni = 60.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 15.75
median = 30.50
q75 = 45.25
max = 60.00
mean = 30.50
sd = 17.32
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age Age of the participant number: 20 - 50 What is your age? participant integer 0 (0%) n_uni = 19.00
min = 25.00
q25 = 25.00
median = 35.50
q75 = 42.25
max = 65.00
mean = 35.10
sd = 9.79
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cond_dyad Treatment condition to which the dyad was assigned 0=control group, 1=experimental group experimental condition character 0 (0%) condA
2100 (50%)
2100 (50%)
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scheduled Timestamps (e.g., “2023/04/14 10:23:47”) of when the ESM questionnaire was scheduled Timestamp app POSIXct 2 (0%) min=2018-02-02 08:59:47
max=2019-06-10 11:59:46
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sent Timestamps (e.g., “2023/04/14 10:23:47”) of when the ESM questionnaire was sent Timestamp app POSIXct 0 (0%) min=2018-02-02 08:59:51
max=2019-06-10 11:59:54
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start Timestamps (e.g., “2023/04/14 10:23:47”) of when the ESM questionnaire was opened by the participant Timestamp app POSIXct 1254 (30%) min=2018-02-02 09:00:31
max=2019-06-10 12:00:15
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end Timestamps (e.g., “2023/04/14 10:23:47”) of when the ESM questionnaire was ended by the participant Timestamp app POSIXct 1254 (30%) min=2018-02-02 09:03:07
max=2019-06-10 12:02:30
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contact Partner's in contact since the last beep Number: 0 - 1 Have you been in contact with your partner since the last beep? Partner's contact participant Recode with numbers integer 1254 (30%) 0
2584 (61.524%)
362 (8.619%)
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PA1 A positive affect (PA) item Sliders: 1-100 … relaxed Emotion scale PA participant integer 1254 (30%) n_uni = 95.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 4.00
median = 18.00
q75 = 32.00
max = 100.00
mean = 23.09
sd = 23.54
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PA2 A positive affect (PA) item Sliders: 1-100 … happy Emotion scale PA participant integer 1254 (30%) n_uni = 94.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 3.00
median = 19.00
q75 = 33.00
max = 100.00
mean = 21.77
sd = 21.50
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PA3 A positive affect (PA) item Sliders: 1-100 … angry Emotion scale NA. participant integer 1254 (30%) n_uni = 96.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 3.00
median = 16.00
q75 = 31.00
max = 100.00
mean = 23.32
sd = 25.91
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NA1 A negative affect (NA) item Sliders: 1-100 … sad Emotion scale NA. participant integer 1254 (30%) n_uni = 99.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 1.00
median = 11.00
q75 = 31.00
max = 100.00
mean = 21.36
sd = 26.53
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NA2 A negative affect (NA) item Sliders: 1-100 … sressed Emotion scale NA. participant revesed item integer 1254 (30%) n_uni = 67.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 1.00
median = 7.00
q75 = 15.00
max = 83.00
mean = 10.50
sd = 11.53
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NA3 A negative affect (NA) item Sliders: 1-100 … joyful Emotion scale PA participant integer 1254 (30%) n_uni = 101.00
min = 1.00
q25 = 40.00
median = 72.00
q75 = 89.00
max = 100.00
mean = 63.72
sd = 28.66
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location Participant's location since the last beep Number: 0 -4 What have you done since the last beep? Activity scale Activity participant Recode with numbers character 1254 (30%) Embedded Image Embedded Image
valid Valid (1) or invalid (0) ovservation Number: 0 - 1 preprocessing followed compliance definition numeric 0 (0%) 0
1254 (29.857%)
2946 (70.143%)
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